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..is to create a different index page for the suite. It's very easy because the only thing you need to do is change the content of default.php. I don't want to create something like hello..

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random vulnerability assesment
Mister LG

Mister LG can create upload forms and test targets on file upload vulnerabilities

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What is a THC HackSuite?
The most versatile penetration testing cms around

THC stands for Tools & Design Hack Challenges, and was originally created by Remco Kouw. The HackSuite is packed with a lot of unique features and is powered by a very easy to expand cms backbone which makes it possible to add plug-ins and add-ons such as apps, themes and modules to the environment with a minimum of effort and programming skills.

The suite is completely written in the popular server side language PHP and has a frontend packed with jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5. The Suite doesn't require you to have access to a mysql or any other database backend.

Despite its name you can use this tool for just about anything web related. For example this entire website was built on top of it!

The purpose of this tool is to be a quick development solution for penetration testers and programmers, it does so by offering a set of WYSIWYG development tools. As we speak the hacksuite comes with 21 modules divided over multiple categories such as: bruteforce, information gathering, vulnerability assessment, debugging and many more.

It's free, so why not give it a try?

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site stats
cms statistics:
version: 0.6.0
downloads: 4380
native: 26
modules: 21
apps: 2
support development
It takes lots of calories in order to create new things for the hacksuite, so it would be grand if you could buy me a protein shake or extra energy to keep me going. Thanks!
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by abusing the tools provided on hacksuite.com. The suite is developed for educational purposes, use at your own risk!
Created by Remco Kouw. Powered by protein shakes and a high calorie diet.