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HackSuite CMS Documentation
Process of creating a callback
Callbacks are scripts that expand the functionality of THC_SS.
They are a bit harder to code than modules and apps, because you need to know how THC_SS uses callbacks.
The benefit of callbacks is that they can bridge module outputs and can create spy tools and scanners with a minimum amount of code effort. Actually you can do just about anything with this great module.

The Hacksuite comes with only one callback that can be used to brute force the html login test server, so yes it's time to code some more.

To create a new callback click on create new callback in the development menu.

This will bring you to the following screen where you can setup the callback:

Most of the options that you need to setup are straightforward, except the callback field probably, which I will discuss later.

name of callback: use a unique name, eg Email Scanner
location: unique location in folder thc_ss/CALLBACKS where you want to save the file (eg emailscanner.php).
url to scan: http url you want to scan eg http://bogusmail.bla/inbox.php, you can add the query later on
scan interval(s): repeat the scan each x seconds
end after match: like it says, if a match has been found, continue or stop the scan
regex search: use a regex pattern to search through the response
string to find: string to find or if you use regular expressions, the pattern to find in the response
method to send: post or get method
scan type: 4 options, 2 are infinite scans, one will search for the occurence of a pattern or string and one will do the opposite. The two other options are the same but the scan is temporary
notification: use email notification or plain text logging
time to scan(s): scan for an x amount of seconds
send vars: if the target requires variable input then you need to specify that in this field using the following structure: var1=value&vars=value, don't use the question mark at the start of the query
email address: email address to send the response to
email template: you can template the output in order to make the response look better or prepare it for parsing by an email filter. Email templates can be found in thc_ss/EMAILT, locations must always be relative so don't use the path to the file, just the filename
logfile: the file to log the respone to. Log files can be found in thc_ss/LOGS not in thc.txt, locations must always be relative so don't use the path to the file, just the filename
logtemplate: you can template the output and log it in a specific way, in order to make the response look better or prepare it for parsing by another program.. Log templates can be found in thc_ss/LOGT, locations must always be relative so don't use the path to the file, just the filename

You don't need to fill in all elements, the form wills shrink as you proceed filling in the fields and select options.

Did I forget something?
Oh yes the callback function!

This is definitely the field that needs some extra attention, because you will need to code how the callback will function during the THC_SS session.

Let's have a look at how a callback will look like so you know exactly know what part of the callback you're writing.

Here's an example.

You can see at the end between these parts:


There's a function called Callbck and code that's used to copy and alter the query part. Also, outside the function you can see a wordlist is loaded.

With every iteration of the THC_SS scan the function Callbck will be called and executed, the code after the function is only executed once. The callback itself is included right before the scan starts and will overwrite any earlier settings. So it's easy to make a bruteforce tool for example as you'd only have to change a variable value such as password with each scan's iteration. That's exactly what this callback does.

1- fetch a wordlist as array
2- go through every word in the wordlist
3- import the words and the amount of ietartions already done into the function using global variables.
4- prepare the new query that will be used as part of the attack query

You can also see there's a string returned in case the item isn't set (reached the end of the wordlist). The string is called BREAK it will stop the scan.

Hope I clarified some things, in a tutorial I'll show you how to make a new callback.
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