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..is to create a different index page for the suite. It's very easy because the only thing you need to do is change the content of default.php. I don't want to create something like hello..

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random vulnerability assesment
Mister LG

Mister LG can create upload forms and test targets on file upload vulnerabilities

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HackSuite File Library
File Library
Here you can find the latest files and structure of the THC HackSuite, note that if you have an earlier version of the suite it's not recommended to update files manually. Instead you should overwrite your existing HackSuite environment.
/* HackSuite debug script

Author: Remco Kouw
Site: http://www.hacksuite.com
Last Edit: 14-11-2014
$_CONTEXT['subtitle'] = "Debugger";
// no need to go on if there's no debug options file
$sDest $_PATHS['data_root']."/debug_options.php";
IsThere($sDest) ? include_once($_PATHS['end']) : include_once($sDest));
/* form submitted.. */
// not that you'd care about a directory traversal bug or xss in a hacking kit, but let's clean the input anyway
$sDest $_PATHS['includes_root']."/".str_replace(" ","_",strip_tags(str_replace("%","",str_replace("/","",$_POST['sOption'])))).".php";
// include the handler for this page
(!IsThere($sDest) ? include_once($_PATHS['end']) : include_once($sDest));
/* wrong submission button or nothing submitted at all */
$sCode = (isset($sCode) ? $sCode "");
$sSelect "<select name=\"sOption\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">\n";
$sSelect .= "<option value=\"\" selected>select an option</option>\n";
$_DEBUG_OPT as $sKey=>$sValue){
// make the text of the key a bit more readable
$sKey str_replace("_"," ",$sKey);
$sSelect .= "<option value=\"".$sKey."\">".$sKey."</option>\n";
$sSelect .= "</select>\n";
// setup configuration file selection form
$sCode .= "            <form method=\"post\">\n";
$sCode .= "            <div class=\"emboss borderr5 border1pxtrans pad5 edgeglow overflw\">\n";
$sCode .= "                <div class=\"embosshdrnocenter border1pxtrans pad10\">Debug Environment</div>\n";
$sCode .= "                <div class=\"cc_record\">\n";
$sCode .= "                    <div class=\"flt pad3 w150\">select an action:</div><div class=\"flt pad3\">".$sSelect."</div>\n";
$sCode .= "                </div>\n";
$sCode .= "                <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
$sCode .= "                <div class=\"cc_record\">\n";
$sCode .= "                    <div class=\"flt pad3\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"iCFG\" value=\"".$_POST['iCFG']."\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Send\" /></div>\n";
$sCode .= "                </div>\n";
$sCode .= "                <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
$sCode .= "            </div>\n";
$sCode .= "            </form>\n";
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support development
It takes lots of calories in order to create new things for the hacksuite, so it would be grand if you could buy me a protein shake or extra energy to keep me going. Thanks!
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by abusing the tools provided on hacksuite.com. The suite is developed for educational purposes, use at your own risk!
Created by Remco Kouw. Powered by protein shakes and a high calorie diet.