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..something cool, we will make a new module and not just some new module, nope let's make a fully automatic injection script! This tutorial is the first step into making this. Let's first..

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THC xConverter is a tool that makes use of (php) functions in order to calculate, fetch, convert and encrypt data

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HackSuite File Library
File Library
Here you can find the latest files and structure of the THC HackSuite, note that if you have an earlier version of the suite it's not recommended to update files manually. Instead you should overwrite your existing HackSuite environment.
Native configuration pages

Author: Remco Kouw
Site: http://www.hacksuite.com
Last Edit: 15-02-2015
$_CONTEXT['native'] = array();
$_CONTEXT['native'][0] = array("configuration editor","edit_config.php","edit_config","edit your configuration files and it's default values","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][1] = array("debug environment","debug.php","debug_config","debug context, paths and other variables","debugging");
$_CONTEXT['native'][2] = array("install app","new_page.php","add_config","add new apps to the hacksuite's environment","expand");
$_CONTEXT['native'][3] = array("recover files","recover.php","recover_config","recover your configuration files and reset them to default values","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][4] = array("change style","style_manager.php","style_config","change the look and feel of the hacksuite","styling");
$_CONTEXT['native'][5] = array("rss configure","remote.php","rss_config","allows you to manage remote rss sources","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][6] = array("log viewer","logview.php","log_config","views or cleans your old log files","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][7] = array("proxy manager","proxy_manager.php","proxy_config","total manager for handling and importing proxies","expand");
$_CONTEXT['native'][8] = array("dorking and sql","dorks.php","dork_config","configure dork files and the sql errors","expand");
$_CONTEXT['native'][9] = array("widgets","widgets.php","widgets_config","manager for the sidebar search widgets","expand");
$_CONTEXT['native'][10] = array("appearance","appearance.php","appearance_config","changes the amount of links in the menubar","styling");
$_CONTEXT['native'][11] = array("task killer","task_kill.php","task_kill_config","removes finished tasks or cleans the task data file","debugging");
$_CONTEXT['native'][12] = array("security manager","security_manager.php","security_manager_config","manages your hacksuite security configuration","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][13] = array("database connecter","db_connect.php","db_config","manages medusa database connections","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][14] = array("shell manager","shell.php","shell_config","manages medusa shells","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][15] = array("wordlist manager","wordlistimport.php","wordlist_config","manages wordlists","expand");
$_CONTEXT['native'][16] = array("servermap manager","map.php","map_config","manages existing server maps to increase security","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][17] = array("blackhat seo","antisocial.php","as_config","configures projects for the antisocial app","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][18] = array("reset environment","reset.php","reset_config","resets suite and deletes results data","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][19] = array("set version","set.php","version_config","sets current version of the hacksuite cms","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][20] = array("maintenance scan","maintenance_scan.php","maintenance_config","configures all of the maintenance scanner properties","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][21] = array("antievil configuration","antievil.php","antievil_config","configures properties for the antievil scanner","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][22] = array("testserver manager","server_manager.php","testserver_config","enables or disables access to test servers","configure");
$_CONTEXT['native'][23] = array("path editor","path_edit.php","editpath_config","changes paths to hacksuite folders","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][24] = array("logpath editor","log_edit.php","editlog_config","changes names of hacksuite logs","security");
$_CONTEXT['native'][25] = array("set time pattern","time_edit.php","time_config","changes time patterns","configure");
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version: 0.6.0
downloads: 4384
native: 26
modules: 21
apps: 2
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It takes lots of calories in order to create new things for the hacksuite, so it would be grand if you could buy me a protein shake or extra energy to keep me going. Thanks!
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by abusing the tools provided on hacksuite.com. The suite is developed for educational purposes, use at your own risk!
Created by Remco Kouw. Powered by protein shakes and a high calorie diet.