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random tutorial

..I will show you how to make a multi bridge between THC_DO, THC_SS and THC_II and keep track of the output in realtime using iframes. So what exactly are we going to do? First of all if..

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random bruteforce

AntiFTP uses wordlists in order to bruteforce FTP user accounts

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HackSuite Features
Let's open up the goodie bag and see what the hacksuite has to offer you. Click here to explore its vast amount of features!
brute force
- bruteforce http authentication
- bruteforce database authentication
- bruteforce ftp authentication
- bruteforce pop3 authentication
- bruteforce user account hashes from (remote) databases used by popular forums and cmses
- bruteforce (salted) md5 and sha1 hashes
vulnerabilty assesment
- single or mass scanning of websites for sql, file, xss and user defined exploits
- wizard to discover upload vulnerabilities
- scan given folders for shells, files changed in a given time span, remote js calls and malicious code
- php version of firefox tamper data in order to exploit file upload vulnerabilties
information gathering
- cloudflare resolving
- dork managing, result polling, logging and more
- read response headers
- find admin logins
- find phpmyadmin logins
- extract robots.txt in order to find browsable folders
- advanced and expandable data scanner that allows server and html polling, you can log or email results of every scan and add new templates easily
- portscanner for single ports or ranges
- remote database configuration extracting
- wordlist generator that can create password lists based upon user specified input
- tool that can find default wep,wpa or wpa2 passwords based upon bssid of certain router types
- blueprint builder that can be used for detecting file changes, newly added files or removed files
- various tools for fine tuning the suite: validate paths, context output and more
- advanced email bomber
- stress testing tool that can exhaust resources on the targeted server or website
- cryptography: md5, sha1, base64 encode and decode
- networking: ip to host, host to ip, long to ip, ip to long and fetch dns records
- string functionality: escape slashes, substring, string replace, reverse string, lowercase and uppercase string
- file functions: get file content, show source and write to file
- server info: php info
search widgets
- easily add new search widgets, pre installed are 6 search engines like owasp, exploit-db and google
- the suite allows you to run tasks in the background and manage them
- quickly browse through all modules, apps and callbacks
- create new callbacks for THC_SS with an easy wizard
- create new modules with an easy wizard
- create new apps with an easy wizard
- manage files and folders, edit, upload, rename, alter content etc.
- wysiwyg shell creator with encryption and security options
test servers
- xss vulnerable
- file injection vulnerable
- http authentication vulnerable
- upload vulnerable
- html login vulnerable
- edit the total configuration and response of the five test servers for exploiting upload, html login, file injection, xss and http authenticate vulnerabilities, this allows you to fine tune your scripts before attacking a victim
- enable or disable rss feeds, currently it connects to the thc update server, the thc youtube channel and the thc twitter feeds
- debugger for the environment
- task killer in case tasks have already ended but not in the task file
- new application binding tool
- proxy manager: add proxies, scrape and extract proxies from a webpage, import proxy list and mass proxy test
- dorks and sql data, insert new dorks, new sql errors and remove data from the error files
- enable or disable widgets
- file recovery to go back into factory modus
- log viewer and manager
- style changer
- appearance of tools, in order to change the functionality and the tool display of the suite
- security manager to harden your suite: enable password and/or ip access, setup white list for ip addresses, update password, change hash, change salt, alter cookie life, alter sleep modus, login file location, redirect unwanted users to any location, reset your enviornment and more
- map/blueprint manager
- shell manager

There's more, why not download and find out by yourself?

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site stats
cms statistics:
version: 0.6.0
downloads: 4384
native: 26
modules: 21
apps: 2
support development
It takes lots of calories in order to create new things for the hacksuite, so it would be grand if you could buy me a protein shake or extra energy to keep me going. Thanks!
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by abusing the tools provided on hacksuite.com. The suite is developed for educational purposes, use at your own risk!
Created by Remco Kouw. Powered by protein shakes and a high calorie diet.